Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Secret Santa's easy lesson

This year I started a lot of things. I opened up my etsy shop Bonita Bellita, I started this blog, I moved, there have been so many things happening! But by far one of the best things and my own personal favorites is I found a blog that I love to follow. There aren't too many that I can honestly say I look forward to, but like a little kid excited for a gift, this blog constantly has something new and fresh to offer. I have found yummy cheesecake recipes, inspiring photos, and a life of a fascinating person. Ah, Nicole of Lillyella, you are a breath of fresh air!

She decided to put together a Secret Santa exchange this year, and I was thrilled to join! So I opened my packages today, and this is what I received! Oh, I can't begin to tell you how my day brightened!

---I love this wrapping! Wish I thought of it...---

--aren't these earrings just lovely?---

---and I already wore my knee highs the day I got them!---

---who doesn't like a little Hello Kitty in their life? Adorable--

---this apron is absolutely eye catching! The pattern is so my style, the colors among my favorites, and the lace pocket completes it all. *sigh* ---

---You'll have to excuse my rainy day hair, but isn't this scarf just the neatest?---

So I guess what I'm trying to say overall is not that I got a ton of fabulous gifts in the mail (although I did ^_^), but it's this. Someone took the time out of their day to organize this giving event, and that right there is amazing and kind. Therefore, someone else went out and got this for me, just because they knew it's what I liked. This is the kind of circle I want to be a part of, where I can go out and continue to pass on this love and cheer. So you know what I did afterward? I went out to visit a friend and take her some Christmas cheer in the form of gifts for her family. Not big, not expensive, but full of love.

Merry Christmas, everyone, from me to you.


  1. oh stephanie - this post made me smile for so many reasons! On a day where I *really* needed a smile Im so glad I can spread a little cheer around. merry christmas and a happy, prosperous new year!
    xo ~ nicole

  2. Oh, I just got a chance to see this post and I am SO THRILLED that you received it before Christmas AND that you liked everything! I had so much fun choosing little things for you! It makes me so happy that you like it all!
